番茄玉米排骨汤 Tomatoes, Corn and Pork Ribs Soup




{材料} 番茄2粒(用刀割出十字状,用热水川烫一下去皮切成块状),玉米2条(切成粒状), 排骨300克(用清水浸泡1小时或热水川烫3分钟飞沫),红枣5颗。

{调味料} 盐适量。


1. 一大锅清水煮沸后把全部材料除了番茄放入中火煮45分钟。

2. 然后,加入番茄块再煮15分钟,调味即可食用。

Tomatoes, Corn and Pork Ribs Soup

{Ingredients} Tomato x 2(peel off skin with hot water, cut into bite sizes), corn x 2 (cut into pieces), pork ribs x 300g((soaked in water for 1 hour or just blanch over the boiling water for 3 mins), red dates x 5.

{Seasonings} Some salt.


1. Boil a pot of water and put all ingredients except tomatoes to cook for 45 mins under medium heat.

2. Then, add in tomatoes to continue cook for another 15 mins, season with some salt and serve hot.

Previous:快手面线汤 Mee Suah Soup


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